共鸣法庭 — 法槌下的生命交响曲
Resonance Court — Symphony of Life at the Gavel

关键词: 正义、平等与误导、叙事、包容性、空间
Keywords: Justice Equality and Misinformation、NarrativesInclusivity、Spaces


This artwork explores the increasing interactions and potential conflicts between humans and wildlife as urbanization and city expansion continue. It aims to reimagine future possibilities for human coexistence with urban wildlife. By viewing animals as social participants, the piece constructs a courtroom scene, symbolically integrating urban wildlife into the modern judicial system. The gavel serves as a central element, offering a perch for pigeons and representing the complex relationship between humans, nature, law, and ecosystems. Through this symbolic interaction, the work invites viewers to reflect on humanity's impact on ecosystems, highlighting the importance of sustainability and ecological balance, while encouraging deeper contemplation of the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

合作者:刘一丁, 罗兰, 裴士博和Jonathan

Collaborators: Yiding Liu, Luo Lan, Shibo Pei and Jonathan