Filtration Futures —Adapting to the Fatberg Age2024
Keywords: speculative design, generative biology, social concepts
《Filtration Futures》描绘了2050年fatberg涌现带来的环境和健康危机:
Filtration Futures depicts the environmental and health crisis caused by the emergence of fatbergs in 2050:
Humans' high-fat lifestyles have led to a gradual build-up of fatberg, a large amount of oil, in city sewerage pipes, and when the sewerage system is finally overwhelmed, fatberg continues to gush to the surface from the city's manhole covers. Its oil was difficult to clean up, and humans were forced to live with it for a long time, but over time, fatberg brought about a more serious public health crisis - a ‘fatberg plague’ swept through the city.
Studied by scientists, fatberg has similar pathogens and infectious agents as underground sewage, and it spreads through bioaerosols, causing most of the resident citizens to suffer from varying degrees of pneumonia, gastritis, and septicemia.
In response to this crisis, and from a scientist's perspective in 2050, the program explores how knowledge in the field of biosynthesis can be combined to develop artificial bionic organs that can help humans adapt to a world full of grease and pollution by drawing on the filter structure of filter-feeding animals, and in doing so, looks back to today, 2024, and explores how the modern man should cope with a future in which grease is unavoidably produced and by provoking societal It also highlights the interaction between individual behavior and the environment by provoking social reflection on waste disposal and consumption habits.
video link:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1G3pqe6E7e/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=29bf31729b57fcdddf6ab634f26c1d74
Among Roy Ascott's 100+ terms and definitions,
he defines the human body as:
‘The body, previously the property of nature, is now the site of bionic transformation,
where we can recreate ourselves and redefine
what it means to be human’.
The Post-Biological Era.
Old debates between modernism and poststructuralism, grand narratives,
and semantic denial dissolve
in the face of the prospect of post biological life.